Wednesday, 10 June 2020

S-2846-7 JWT Manufacturer of Custom Electric Motors (US)

Manufacturer of Custom Electric Motors
Acquisition Opportunity – Southwest

Multi-decade, “start-to-finish” manufacturing company producing custom electric motors with up to 450 HP and operating its own aluminum foundry (with a substantial valuation amount of patterns).  Also provides pump adapters, hydraulic couplings, magnetic brakes, rotor fabrication, etc. to its direct customers as well as custom aluminum castings and custom machining to OEM clients.  The Company has been consistently profitable and via its high-quality standards and longevity, customers can rely on the products for many years.

Sales of the Company’s products take place via in-house personnel and independent sales representatives throughout North America and major international countries.  The drop in revenue for 2019 was due to a client moving to a Chinese supplier, although the perspective revenue is rapidly replacing due to the reputation of the Company.  A high growth area is military OEMs due to that the Company’s products are 100% manufactured in the U.S.

The Company operates two manufacturing plants nation-wide and multiple engineering facilities.  The aluminum foundry becomes more efficient annually with capacity for growth.

The owners is selling due to retirement.  Both the business and underlying real estate (if so, elected by a buyer) are available for sale.  A strong management team remains to lead growth. 

Financial Summary

Gross Revenue
$26.8  M
$30 M
$27.9 M
Adjusted EBITDA
$900 K
$1 M
$1.3 M

Other Highlights
Management Team in Place
Years in Business

Direct inquiries to:

Gottesman Company

Refer to:  S-2846-7 JWT

US Office:  718-618-5346     UK Office: +44 (0)7906786505