Friday, 28 February 2020

S-1874 RS AJR Pediatric OTC Supplement Acquisition Opportunity (US)

Business Description:
The Company produces and distributes a product line of pediatric and adult OTC (over-the-counter) supplements that treat nutritional iron deficiency.  The Company has completed clinical trials that prove its products to be safe, effective, and well tolerated with a higher level of palatability than its global competitor’s major brands.  Product line ranges from pediatric to adult with leading revenue generators centering on pediatrics due to the critical need for proper iron levels in children starting at birth.

U.S.A. / Global

Operational Strengths:
The products are produced in a USA FDA registered pharmaceutical contract manufacturing plant.  Products have FDA registered labeler code and GS1 (global supply chain) certified SKU codes.  NDC (National Drug Codes) are registered with the FDA, DailyMed, FirstData, Medi-Span and Wolters Kluwer.  The founder is a seasoned pharmaceutical professional with over 30 years industry experience and intends to remain post-closing.

The Transaction:

Transaction will result in the buy-out of non-active start up shareholders and fold back-office operations into the buyer’s existing operations.  Founder seeks ONLY investment partners with an established OTC distribution and marketing platform.  Founder’s strategic plan is to lead the company into the future and expand sales by partnering with experienced, established OTC investors.  


Key Investment Considerations:
·         Seasoned Pharmaceutical Co. with Branded/Trusted product line.
·         Very strong industry niche.
·         Registered trademark in US, CA and EU.
·         High profit margins.
·         Large client base and growing.
·         Highest online ranking in its category, Amazon, Etailz, etc.
·         Global presence.
·         Products registered with the FDA.
·         Products Kosher and Vegan Verified.
·         All products, Ingredients and Packaging manufactured in USA FDA cGMP (Certified Good Manufacturing Practices) facility.


Financial Summary

$2.7 MM
$2.4 MM
$1.7 MM
Adjusted EBITDA
$1.2 MM (44%)
$1.3 MM (54%)
726 K (43%)

Other Highlights
Management Team in Place
Years in Business
SIC Classification

Direct All Inquiries to:

Gottesman Company
Refer to:  S-1874 RS AJR
Tel: 718-618-5346      UK Office: +44 (0) 7906786505