Monday, 18 May 2020

S-2002 AJR Growing B2B Mobile Device Wholesaler & Repair Company

Business Description:
The Company is a business to business mobile device wholesaler that primarily purchases devices that have been deemed no longer functional. Through its extensive buyer & vendor network, the Company offers businesses an easy and ecofriendly way to liquidate their damaged devices, aiming to generate top dollar value for each item. The Company specializes in B2B sales and purchases of mobile devices and tablets. The Company has a well-known brand and is very recognizable in the mobile device wholesale world on both the purchasing and the selling side. The Company also has an established network of IT surplus cell phone stores, cell phone vendors, R2 companies, distributors, third party vendors and cell phone repair chains. Services include: mobile device purchasing and reselling, auctioning & second-hand marketplace, inventory management, mobile device & tablet repair, mobile device & tablet testing, packaging & distribution and inventory brokering. The Company does not have any formal supplier contracts or hold any inventory for more than 30 days.

Company products are sold via auction format on, & eBay. Company direct sells to private buyers as well. Customer base includes small independent online retailers all the way up large multi-million dollar companies. Company can grow through R2 certification, establishing long term contracts and direct selling to buyers (business and consumers).

Operational Strengths:
The Company has experienced year over year growth for over 4 years.  Ownership has roadmap to accelerate future growth in this unique business niche.  The company is relocatable and extremely asset light business.  The owners have established high quality vendor, supplier, and customer network.  The company has zero company debt, no customer concentration, strong brand name, fully scalable, automated and efficient sales system & process and a turnkey business operation.

The Transaction:
There are two owners, their valuation target is $2.5 Million. Owners would entertain all compelling offers that would allow for the growth and expansion of the current business model. Owners are open to helping and consulting during transition period.

Financial Summary (000s)

$3.5 MM
$1.9 MM
$1.0 MM
Adjusted EBITDA
$0.59 M (17%)
$0.73 M (38%)
$0.32 M (32%)

Other Highlights
Management Team in Place
Years in Business
SIC Classification
Central Texas
4812, 4813, 7629, 5731

Direct All Inquiries to:

Gottesman Company
Refer to: S-2002 AJR
Tel: 718-618-5346      UK Office: +44 (0) 7906786505